
The principles of anti-racism and liberation is the center of my healing work. Whether I am supporting my clients in session or teaching a class, my belief in our ability to liberate ourselves in this lifetime is the driving force for all I do.

Some will say this kind of thinking is not healing; and to those who claim such a theory, I will say healing without the pursuit of collective liberation is a facade of healing.

In essence, to heal is to be at peace; and in order for us to truly be at peace, we need our family, friends, neighbors, and society to be at peace. The concept of oneness teaches us, that no one can live pain-free, unless we all are.

So many of our wounds are based on the belief system and societal conditioning we have been under for several generations. Healing at this moment, is precisely about healing these deeply ingrained ways of thinking and not doing things that is harmful to ourselves, others and the natural world.

I am fortunate and privileged to study with People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond for many years, and continue to deepen the decolonizing analysis not only at the intellectual level. Most importantly through my lived experiences, spiritual practices, as well as organizing work.

Healing work is decolonizing work.