Soul Liberation Coaching for Deep Transformation

You are a kaleidoscope of all the histories, experiences, belief systems and conditionings that creates ‘who you are’ today.

I use a multi-modality & multi-dimensional approach for healing to work with all of you.

flower essence therapy

Flowers are the highest expression of each plant; and flower essence incapsulate the ‘soul’ of the expression for the subtle yet powerful medicine. It shifts our subconscious mind for our conscious reality to take a leap towards our inner most purposes and desires.

oracle card reading

We are all making choices, all the time.  Sometimes, it is overwhelming.  Oracle card reading can support you in ‘seeing all the cards on the deck’, so you can make an informed decision based on where you actually are, physically mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually.  

Contrary to the movies and even some real life examples of ‘card readers’, I do not participate in the fortune and future telling of your life.  I am a firm believer that you need to be the one to live your life and I am here to support you in living the most authentic version of yourself, instead of telling you how to live yours.  Confirmation bias is a real thing, and you cannot unhear what you hear.  For this reason, I focus on revealing the truths that exist NOW for you to gain confidence in making certain decisions for yourself.

Card readings can also be used to identify how to create a healing plan for you by accessing what’s been causing pain and suffering below the surface.

energetic healing

Everything is energy. The clearing and aligning of our energetic field is essential to our well-being. I use Usi Reiki, Earth Evolution Reiki, IET, 13th Octave LaHoChi, Jikiden Reiki, and other attuned and cultivated energy frequencies to bring, calmness and clarity.

spiritual congruency

Originally started as month-long group microdosing ceremonies, I now offer a 4-week ceremonial coaching container of Spiritual Congruency with or without the plant medicine microdose.

This is a month-long Soul Retrieval process that allows clients to dive deep into the undesired patterns in their lives utilizing ritual, oracular wisdom, energy healing, journaling, coaching and soul retrieval.  Clients can choose to work with the additional wisdom of the plant medicine, or we can choose to simply dive into the inherent wisdom as is.

Many clients find  profound realization and shifts from being in this sacred container.

indigenous practices

With the blessings of my teachers and elders, I am honored to offer lineage practices that have been passed down through generations.  So many lives have been lost to keep these traditions alive for centuries - and these traditions are needed for humanity now more than ever.

I offer Soul Retrieval, Past Life Regression, Energetic Cleansing (Limpia), Rose Blessing and other ceremonies.  Many sessions can be done through online sessions while others such as Limpia require in-person sessions. 

microdosing guide

Sometimes, we need a bit of a nudge to get things moving.  This nudge can be offered through the microdosing of sacred plant medicine.  I combine any of my offerings with microdosing if my client desires, and I assess it to be safe and beneficial.

I am humbled and honored to work with the wisdom of the plants in various ways.  Whether in flower essence, limpia, sacred smokes, or microdosing, every plant offering their lives is sacred on planet earth.

My personal belief is that the most important and profound medicine we need to tap into is ourselves.  Contrary to the popular belief that these sacred plants are the special medicine and teacher, I choose to collaborate with the wisdom of the medicine to draw out the medicine inherent in my clients.  As we work together in this way, my clients can remember to not be reliant on the outside sources, but rather to learn to remember the source is within just like these plants.

Decolonial principles are the foundation of my healing practice.  Through weaving this understanding of how social structures and belief systems affect our personal perspective, and how often this unseen yet rigid framework creates much suffering, is critical for us to liberate ourselves.

Having a deep understanding of these principles allows me to offer healing — not only to release my clients from their personal suffering, but ultimately to liberate them from the weight placed upon them, as many forms of oppressions, in order to reclaim their unique sacred power within.